This is Russ, the last time we moved! Look at his face bless him :P
Hi lovelies!
So as I previously stated, Russ and I have had to find somewhere to live before Christmas, and LUCKILY, his lovely mum managed to persuade his nan to let us stay there til we get back on our feet. (Lots of love to you if you're reading!)
So we are moving there on Saturday, and even though I have moved many a-time before, and Russ has had his fair share of moving also, it is still so stressful, I hate the random bits'n'bobs, what do you do with them?! They're too small to put anywhere, and too random to categorise. I'm so rubbish at packing, it's scary.
I'm really glad we've got somewhere now though, because it was getting so stressful that Russ was getting really ill, and he stopped eating and I was getting so worried that it made me ill, so not a great time!
I also am having a bit of a nightmare because I have a doctors appointment back in Southampton tomorrow morning, and I have to go on my own, to talk about my depression... and my agoraphobia. Now I'm just putting it out there, but that seems pretty bloody ridiculous, don't you think? I am still awake and stressing about having to leave the house, and even worse, on my own, and it's almost 1am, I'm nowhere near tired, and I need to leave the house at about 9am.. Awesome. Help! :(
Anyway, I'm clearly having a bit of a nightmare in my thoughts but I just wanted to check in with you guys and let you know what's going on, and so I will probably be a bit quiet for a while whilst moving, and then I've got a load of videos to film for you lot!
Thanks for reading my rambles!
Louie x